China and Japan

by James D. Johnston


1860 Edition

1861 Edition

Johnston, James D.:
China and Japan: Being a Narrative of the Cruise of the U.S. Steam Frigate Powhatan, Philadelphia, 1860, Charles Desilver, red (green also) blindstamped and pebbled cloth with gilt decoration on the front front board, illustrated with frontispiece (handcolored lithograph) and 7 other handcolored lithographs by Thomas Wagner, 2 maps - Nagasaki Harbor & City, and map of the Pei Ho River, illustrated title page, 448 pp. James D. Johnston, lieutenant, U.S. Navy, executive officer of the Steam-Frigate Powhatan, wrote an account of the trip of the Powhatan to open diplomatic relations with China and to transport the first Japanese ambassadors to the United States less than seven years after the Expedition to Japan headed by Commodore Matthew Perry.

The same book was published by Desilver in 1861 in dark blue blindstamped and pebbled cloth with gilt decoration on the front board and and gilt lettering and decoration on the spine.

Title Page (with illustration) -- Click Here.
To purchase lithographs from this book on-line -- Click Here.

Lithographs -- #1 through #8

(Click on Picture for Expanded View)

Chief Ambassador
Second Ambassador
Chief Censor
Naruse Gensiro
Officer of First Class to Ambassadors
Tsucahara Jugoro
Officer of First Class to Ambassadors
Namoora Gohatsiro
Principal Interpreter
Tateise Onogero (Tommy)
Third Interpreter
Tea-House on the Tokaido


Maps -- #1 and #2

(Click on Picture for Expanded View)
River Pei Ho


City and Harbor of Nagasaki


For Johnston Book - Lithographs and Maps - Price List, click here.


Collation. Full Title: China and Japan: Being a Narrative of the Cruise of the U.S. Steam-Frigate Powhatan, in the years '57, '58 and '60, Including an Account of the Japanese Embassy to the United States.  Fronticepiece + Title Page + Dedication 1 p. (iii) + Preface 2 pp. (v-vi) + Contents 6 pp. (vii-xii) + pp. 13-414 (text) + pp. 415-448 (appendix) + 18 pp of advertisements. Total pages numbered is 448pp.

Collation, Lithographs & Maps.

Simme-Boozen-No-Kami, Chief Ambassador - Fronticepiece

Tea-House on the Tokaido - After Page 286 (facing p. 286)

Muragaki-Awaadsi-No-Kami, Second Ambassador - After Page 340 (facing p. 340)

Ogure-Bungo-No-Kami, Chief Censor - After Page 348 (facing p. 348)

Naruse Gensiro, Officer of First Class to Ambassadors - After Page 354 (facing p. 354)

Tsucahara Jugoro, Officer of First Class to Ambassadors - After Page 360 (facing p. 360)

Namoora Gohatsiro, Principal Interpreter - After Page 368 (facing p. 368)

Taeise Onogero (Tommy), Third Interpreter - After Page 378 (facing p. 378)

River Pei Ho - After Page 228 (facing p. 228)

City and Harbor of Nagasaki - After Page 96 (facing p. 97)

Note: These locations are from a book with red cloth boards and are intended to provide a general idea of the locations. Locations may vary between books.


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Perry Expedition to Japan Books & Lithographs