Lew Chew Costumes, middle class
Variations in Lithographs
Two minor variations in the picture have been recorded
Type I

Type I Tucker book.
1. Eyes. Eyes of figure to the left are open.
2. Bridge Walkway. The top of the walkway of the bridge is not visible.
3. Parasols. The parasol at the left is tilted at a 25-30 degree angle.
4. Ground in foreground. Appears smooth.
Type II

Type II - Nicholson book.
1. Eyes. Eyes of figure to the left are closed.
2. Bridge Walkway. The top of the walkway of the bridge is visible (white).
3. Parasols. The parasol at the left is horizontal.
4. Ground in foreground. Appears rougher with more vertical type strokes.
Type IIA
As Type II but all lettering is outside the block around the image area.
Type I - Entire Picture
Type II - Entire Picture
Type IIA - Lettering

Same as Type II except for lettering.
Terms & Conditions.
- Payment with Order. US Dollar Check or Money Order Payable by a Bank in the US or PayPal Payment.
- Postage (US Postal Service) and Insurance: $8.00 within the US; $40.00+ outside the US (Insured Priority Mail) (Info here).
- Discounts (Based on Order Filled): Over $500 - 10% Over $1,000 - 15% - Discounts do not apply to frame sets. They are priced net.
- New Mexico sales (gross receipts) tax is due when applicable.