George C. Baxley
PO Box 807
Alamogordo, NM 88311
(575) 437-8707 - (575) 434-1571 (Fax)
On the WWW at:
Luxembourg - Luxemburg
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Regular Issues
Semi-Postal Issues
Air Mail Issues & BoB
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Material is Mint Never Hinged, free of faults and with F-VF centering (or better - usually VF) for each stamp - unless noted otherwise. Scott Catalogue numbers are in the left hand column and prices in the right hand column. All prices are in whole dollars, the cents have been rounded off (eg 10 = $10.00 US).
Regular Issues
Scott Price Michel Year Comments
Luxembourg $25 Coat of Arms, 1c & 37 1/2c
- Used, as is
Luxembourg 11o $20 As is
Luxembourg 206-15 $5 Mi 321-30 1939 Royalty
Luxembourg 246-9 $11 Mi 431-4 1948 Scenes
Luxembourg 261-4 $20 Mi 460-3 1949 UPU
Luxembourg 261-4 FDC $30 Mi 460-3 1949 UPU
Luxembourg 277-7 Insc $125 Mi 478-83 1951 United Europe, control number margin singles
Luxembourg 272-7 + $120 Mi 478-83 1951 United Europe, with left margins
Luxembourg 272-7 $100 Mi 478-83 1951 United Europe, #1
Luxembourg 272-7 $95 Mi 478-83 1951 United Europe, #2
Luxembourg 277-7 B/4 $400 Mi 478-83 1951 United Europe, blocks/4
Luxembourg 272-7 FDC $135 Mi 478-83 1951 United Europe, First Day Cover
Luxembourg 278-9 $50 Mi 488-9 1952 Grand Duke William, with tabs
Luxembourg 278-9 $40 Mi 488-9 1952 Grand Duke William
Luxembourg 293-4 $5 Mi 512-3 1953 Victor Hugo
Luxembourg 298 $4 Mi 523 1954 Fencing
Luxembourg 299 $9 Mi 524 1954 Intl fair
Luxembourg 299 FDC $15 Mi 524 1954 Intl fair, First Day Maximum Card
Luxembourg 306-9 $6 Mi 537-40 1955 UN
Luxembourg 310-13 $6 Mi 547-50 1956 Flowers
Luxembourg 310-13 B/4 $20 Mi 547-50 1956 Flowers,blocks/4
Luxembourg 315-7 $28 Mi 552-4 1956 European Coal, Steel Community
Luxembourg 318-20 $135 1956 Europa, #1
Luxembourg 318-20 $130 1956 Europa, #2
Luxembourg 318-20 $125 1956 Europa, #3
Luxembourg 318-20 $65 1956 Europa, pulled perf at top of 318,
scuff at top of 319
Luxembourg 318-20 FDC $65 1956 Europa, First Day Cover, cacheted (R. Thill), addressed
Luxembourg 321 B/4 $5 Mi 558 1956 Train station
Luxembourg 322-3 $3 1956 Fontaine
Luxembourg 324-5 $3 Mi 567-8 1957 Scouts
Luxembourg 324-5 B/4 $10 Mi 567-8 1957 Scouts, blocks/4
Luxembourg 326-8 $4 1957 Children's Clinic
Luxembourg 329-31 $65 1957 United Europe, #1
Luxembourg 329-31 $45 1957 United Europe, gum dimples on 329 & 31, #2
Luxembourg 329-31 o $20 1957 United Europe, used
Luxembourg 329-31 FDC $40 1957 United Europe, cacheted, unadd,FDC
Luxembourg 329-31 FDC $38 1957 United Europe, cacheted - "Thill", unadd, FDC
Luxembourg 329-31 FDC $35 1957 United Europe, cacheted - "Marque" unadd,FDC
Luxembourg 329-31 FDC $30 1957 United Europe, cacheted - "Marque" addressed,FDC
Luxembourg 329-31 FDC $25 1957 United Europe,, no cachet,addressed,FDC
Luxembourg 362-73 (-1) $7 1960-4 Defins, short 50c
Luxembourg 630 $4 1979 European parliament
Luxembourg 708-9 $5 1984 Europa
Luxembourg 775-7 $4 Mi 1180-2 1987 Buildings
Luxembourg 787-8 $5 1988 Europa
Luxembourg 803-4 $4 1989 Europa
Luxembourg 833-4 $4 1990 Europa
Semi-Postal Issues
Scott Price Michel Year Comments
Luxembourg B7-10 $2 Mi 148-51 1924 Overprints
Luxembourg B30-4 $6 Mi 192-6 1927 Princess Adelaide
Luxembourg B35-9 $12 Mi 213-7 1929 Princess Gabrielle
Luxembourg B40-4 $30 Mi 227-31 1930 Prince Charles
Luxembourg B45-9 B/4 $280 Mi 240-44 1931 Prince Alix,
blocks/4, UR
B47 corner
Luxembourg B66 B/4 $55 1936 Phil Ex, imperf, block/4
Luxembourg B73-8 $20 Mi 296-301 1936 Wenceslas I
Luxembourg B79-84 $10 Mi 303-8 1937 Wenceslas II
Luxembourg B79-84 o $10 Mi 303-8 1937 Wenceslas II
Luxembourg B86-91 LH $8 1938 St Willbrord,
light hinged
Luxembourg B92-7 $18 Mi 315-20 1938 Duke Sigsmond
Luxembourg B98-103 $28 Mi 333-8 1939 Prince Jean etc
Luxembourg B126 (x1) $2 Mi 387 1945 Lady of Luxembourg
(x10) $15
(x20) $25
Luxembourg B137-42 $32 Mi 417-22 1947 Religion
Luxembourg B151a,b,c $44 Mi 439-41 1949 Duchess Charlotte Strip/3
Luxembourg B156-61 $68 Mi 468-73 1950 Wards of the nation
Luxembourg B162-5 $17 Mi 474-7 1950 Jean Zinnen
Luxembourg B186-91 $15 Mi 541-6 1955 Religion
Luxembourg B192-7 $10 Mi 561-6 1956 Coat of Arms
Luxembourg B204-9 $3 1958 Coat of Arms
Luxembourg B210-15 $5 1959 Coat of Arms
Luxembourg B216-21 $6 1960 Royals
Luxembourg B222-7 $5 1961 Royals
Air Mail Issues & BOB
Scott Price Michel Year Comments
Luxembourg C7-15 $5 Mi 403-11 1946 Planes
Luxembourg C7-15 B/4 $14 Mi 403-11 1946 Planes in Blocks/4
Luxembourg O66 B/4 $20 Mi O48 1891 12 1/2 value
Luxembourg N1-16 $15 1940 German Occ
Luxembourg N1-16 CVR $22 1940 Registered cover
Luxembourg NB1-9 $8 1941 German Occ
Luxembourg NB1-9 o $20 1941 On cut squares
Luxembourg NB1-9 FDC $25 1941 First Day Cover
Luxembourg NB1-9 CVR $22 1941 Registered Cover
Luxembourg O139,180,181 $30 1940 Last Day Use under
German Occupation
George C. Baxley, PO Box 807, Alamogordo, NM 88311