George C. Baxley
PO Box 807
Alamogordo, NM 88311

(575) 437-8707 - (575) 434-1571 (Fax)

On the WWW at:

British Omnibus
1948-9 Silver Wedding

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Material is Mint Never Hinged, free of faults and with F-VF centering (or better - usually VF) for each stamp - unless noted otherwise.    Scott Catalogue numbers are in the left hand column and prices in the right hand column.  All prices are in whole dollars, the cents have been rounded off (eg 10 = $10.00 US).

British Omnibus
1948-9 Silver Wedding
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Country         Scott          Price        Wanted (*) MNH
Aden            30-1                            *
  Kathiri       14-16                           *
  Ou'aiti       14-15                           *
  Seiyun        14-5                            *
Antigua         98-9             $7
Ascension       52-3            $50
Bahamas         148-9           $35  
Barbados        210-11                          *
Basutoland      39-40                           *
Bechuanaland    147-8                           *
Bermuda         133-4                           *
Br Guiana       244-5                           *
Br Honduras     129-30                          *
Cayman Isls     116-7                           *
Cyprus          158-9           $44 
Dominica        114-5                           *
Falkland Isls   99-100                          *
Falk Isls Dep   1L11-12          $6
Fiji            139-40          $16 
Gambia          146-7                           *
Gibraltar       121-2                           *
Gilbert & El    54-5            $21 
Gold Coast      142-3                           *
Grenada         145-6                           *
Hong Kong       178-9                           *
Jamaica         138-9                           *
Kenya U&T       92-3                            *
Leeward Isl     118-9
  Johore        128-9                           *
  Kedah         55-6                            *
  Kelantan      44-5                            *
  Malacca       1-2                             *
  Negri Semb    36-7                            *
  Pahang        44-5                            *
  Penang        1-2                             *
  Perak         99-100                          *
  Perlis        1-2                             *
  Selangor      74-5                            *
  Trengganu     47-8                            *
Malta           223-4           $40 
Mauritius       229-30                          *
Montserrat      106-7            $7
Nigeria         73-4                            *
North Borneo    238-9                           *
No Rhodesia     48-9                            *
Nyasaland       85-6                            *
Pitcairn        11-12           $65 
St Helena       130-1                           *
St Kitts-Nevis  93-4                            *
St Lucia        129-30                          *
St Vincent      154-5                           *
Sarawak         175                             *
Seychelles      151-2                           *
Sierra Leone    188-9                           *
Singapore       21-2                            *
Soloman Isls    82-3            $22
Somaliland      110-11           $8
Swaziland       48-9                            *
Trinidad & Tob  64-5                            *
Turks & Caicos  92-3             $8
Virgin Isls     90-1                            *
Zanzibar        224-5                           *

Different Design
Great Britain   267-8                           *
  Of Morocco    93-4             $18
  Of Morocco    525-6                           *
Bahrain         62-3                            *
Kuwait          82-3            $32 
Oman            25-6                            *
South Africa    106a
    &                            $1
So W Africa     159

Complete set 138 stamps                     ***WANTED*** (MNH)

George C. Baxley, PO Box 807, Alamogordo, NM 88311

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