George C. Baxley

PO Box 807
Alamogordo, NM 88311
(575) 437-8707 - (575) 434-1571 (Fax)

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African Countries

Click on the category below that you wish to look at or scroll down the entire list.

Burkina Faso       Burundi       Congo (Democratic Republic - Zaire)     
Congo (Peoples Republic)       Katanga      Togo      Rwanda     

  See Belgium:    Belgian Congo    Ruanda-Urundi   

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Material is Mint Never Hinged, free of faults and with F-VF centering (or better - usually VF) for each stamp - unless noted otherwise.    Scott Catalogue numbers are in the left hand column and prices in the right hand column.  All prices are in whole dollars, the cents have been rounded off (eg 10 = $10.00 US).

Burkina Faso (Upper Volta)

              Scott           Price     Year     Comments
Burkina Faso  335-7, C193-5i    $10     1974     Scoccer, margin copy imperfs 
Burkina Faso  346-50i           $10     1975     Churchill, margin copy imperfs 
Burkina Faso  362-4,C206-7i      $8     1975     Cars, margin copy imperfs 
Burkina Faso  368-9,C212-4i     $10     1975     Schweitzer, margin copy imperfs 
Burkina Faso  372-4, C220-1i    $12     1975     Picasso, margin copy imperfs 
Burkina Faso  375-8,C223-6i     $12     1975     Ships, Ocean Expo Okinawa, imperfs 
Burkina Faso  387-9,C228-9i      $8     1976     Olympics, margin copy imperfs 
Burkina Faso  390-2,C231-2i     $10     1976     Olympics, margin copy imperfs 
Burkina Faso  395-7,C234-6i     $10     1975     Zeppelins, margin copy imperfs 


                Scott         Price     Year    Comments
Burundi         ??              $16     1966    Flowers,sheet/9,perf,imperf

Burundi         25-33            $3     1962    Flag,map 
Burundi         34-9             $3     1962    Map,overprints 
Burundi         47-50            $2     1963    Flags
Burundi         57-61i           $3     1963    UN,imperfs
Burundi         73-87,C1-7      $22     1964    Animals, light gum disturb on 85-7
Burundi         95-100 p/i      $15     1964    Pope John XXIII,perf & imperf
Burundi         141-56,C17-25   $50     1966    Flowers 
Burundi         Unlisted S/S    $50     1966    Flowers, perf & imperf sheets of 9
Burundi         148-56           $4     1966    Flowers, short 141-7 and airs
Burundi         159-73,C27-35   $55     1967    Flowers, overprinted,171,2,3 all small "DU" type 

Burundi         159-73+         $95     1967    Flowers, overprinted 172a and 173 are large "DU" type

Burundi         159//73         $18     1967    Flowers, overprinted, short 171,2

Burundi         174-84          $25     1967    Birds, overprinted 

Burundi         186-201,C46-54  $55     1967    Fish, regulars and airs

Burundi         202-6,C36-40 p/i $8     1967    Artifacts

Burundi         207-11,C41-5i   $15     1976    Scouts, imperforatee, regular & air

Burundi         217a p/i         $6     1967    Paintings,perf+imperf 
Burundi         225a p/i         $5     1967    Paintings,perf+imperf 
Burundi         226-32+S/S       $5     1968    Olympics,sports 
Burundi         233-5i           $4     1968    Paintings,imperf 
Burundi         236-9i           $4     1968    Space,imperf 
Burundi         239b p/i         $5     1968    Space,perf+imperf 

Burundi         355-60          $20     1971    Animals, no airs, S/4 but 360 is in pairs

Burundi         411-21,C168-74  $30     1971    Flowers, regulars & airs

Burundi         434a,C186a      $40     1973    Zodiac sheets (2) perf

Burundi         435-40          $22     1973    Flowers & butterflies, 6 blocks/4 , no airs

Burundi         449-54,C207-12  $65     1974    Fish, 12 blocks -  6 regular and 6 air

Burundi         449-54          $50     1974    Fish, 6 blocks/4

Burundi         467a,C206a      $50     1974    UPU, imperf S/S (2)

Burundi         601+ Cvr       $125     1983    85f (601 - creased), 50f x2 (596) reg
                                                 cover to US, 83.4.10 backstamp 

Burundi         593a+ Cvr       $35     1987    20f (593a - creased), 25f (594a) +40f,
                                                 1987.?.? cover to Nyabindu 

Burundi         599a Cvr        $40     1984    70f (599a) 1984.1.23 cover to US 

Burundi         601a Cvr        $40     1988    85f (601a) 1987.10.11 cover to US 

Burundi         601a Cvr        $40     1987    85f (601a) 1987.10.16 cover to US 

Burundi         633-8,C289-94   $15     1986    Flowers, regulars & airs (12 total) - complete  

Burundi         2012 p&i        $15     2012    Concorde S/S, 1 stamp - 7500f, perf and imperf

Burundi         2012 p&i        $15     2012    Concorde S/S, 4 stamps -8140f total, perf and imperf

Burundi         2012 p&i        $15     2012    Muhammad Ali - Joe Frazer S/S, 7500f, perf and imperf

Burundi         2012 i          $10     2012    Chimpanzes S/S, 7500f, imperf

Burundi         2012 i          $10     2012    Motorcycle, Harley Davidson S/S, 7500f, imperf

Burundi         2012 i          $10     2012    Minerals S/S, 7500f, imperf

Burundi         B30a,33a p/i     $6     1967    Chruchill, perf+imperf 

Burundi         C17-25          $15     1966    Flowers 

Burundi         C27-35          $20     1967    Flowers, overprinted  

Burundi         C27-35 Var      $40     1967    Flowers, 2 blocks/9, not listed in Scott,
                                                "Republic du Burundi" ovpt in gold

Burundi         C45a p/i         $8     1967    Scouts, perf+imperf 

Burundi         C46-54          $40     1967    Fish 

Burundi         C66-74(9)        $5     1968    Butterflies 

Burundi         C135            $10     1970    Birds, 20f block/4

Burundi         C136            $12     1970    Birds, 30f block/4

Burundi         C152,CB15,CB16  $15     1971    Animals S/4, overprinted

Burundi         C226-7          $15     1975    Animals S/4, overprinted Anniversary of UN

Burundi         C258-60         $10     1977    Animals S/4 (3), 9f,13f,30f

Congo (People's Republic) Scott Price Year Comments Congo PR 1233 $125 2001 Bird, 90fr, Grande aigrette (Egretta garzetta), listed but unpriced in Scott Congo PR 1233 x2 $200 2001 Bird, 90fr x2, Grande aigrette (Egretta garzetta), listed but unpriced in Scott Congo PR 1235 $125 2001 Bird, 270fr, Cigogne moire (Ciconia nigra), listed but unpriced in Scott Congo PR 1235 x2 $125 2001 Bird, 270fr x2, Cigogne moire (Ciconia nigra), listed but unpriced in Scott Congo PR 1233-5 Ftn $145 2001 Bird, 120fr, Aigrette garzette (Egretta garzetta), not listed but "may exist" per Scott Congo PR 1233-5 Ftn x2 $225 2001 Bird, 120fr x2, Aigrette garzette (Egretta garzetta), not listed but "may exist" per Scott Congo PR 1233-5 Ftn $145 2001 Bird, 270fr, Cigogne blanche (Ciconia ciconia), not listed but "may exist" per Scott Congo PR 1233-5 Ftn x2 $225 2001 Bird, 270fr x2, Cigogne blanche (Ciconia ciconia), not listed but "may exist" per Scott

Congo (DR) Scott Price Year Comments Congo DR 323-8 (no 324) $12 1960 Flowers, overprints Congo DR 343var $12 1960 Doubling of overprint Congo DR 345var $12 1960 1f, Congo overprint inverted Congo DR 350var $12 1960 6.5f, Congo overprint inverted Congo DR 350var $20 1960 Congo overprint, revalued to 5f but that overprint inverted Congo DR 350var B/4 $75 1960 Congo overprint, revalued to 5f but that overprint inverted, block/4 Congo DR 352var $12 1960 10f, Congo overprint inverted Congo DR 371-80 $3 1961 Conference,overprint Congo DR 381-95 $15 1961 Kasavubu Congo DR 396-404 B/4 $15 1961 "Reouverture du Parlement" overprints in block/4 Congo DR 405-12 $3 1962 UN Congo DR 443-50i $6 1963 Nurse,medicinal plants, imperfs wide margins but no sheet mgn Congo DR 450 S/S $6 1963 " S/S, Scott footnote Congo DR 480-91 B/4 $8 1964 National Palace,block/4 Congo DR 492-7 $2 1964 Sports Congo DR 498-513 B/4 $12 1998 National palace, blocks/4 Congo DR 514-19 B/4 $12 1964 Kennedy,blocks/4 Congo DR 534-41 $2 1965 Space Congo DR 578-81 B/4 $8 1966 Sports,soccer,blocks/4 Congo DR 587-90 $3 1966 Sports,soccer Congo DR 591-2 Mint/Used $20 1966 Kennedy,591-mint,592-mint/CTO used,591imp-mint, 592imp-mint/CTO used Congo DR 597a $4 1967 9,60 inverted overprint Congo DR 612 S/100 VAR $175 1967 1k on 2f sheet/100 inverted ovpt Congo DR 612 S/100 VAR $175 1967 1k on 2f sheet/100 displaced ovpt Congo DR 619-24 B/4 $8 1958 Mobotu - revalued,blocks/4 Zaire 850-5 $12 1977 Overprinted "Republic Du Zaire" & revalued Congo DR Zaire 855 B/4 $15 1977 Butterfly, 48k on 10k, block/4 Congo DR Zaire --- $35 1979 1980 Olympics, S/S Congo DR Zaire 927 $10 1979 Year of the Child, S/S Congo DR Zaire 935-43i $15 1980 Trains, imperforate Congo DR Zaire 974-81i $25 1980 Fish, imperforate Congo DR Zaire 981A $5 1980 Fish, S/S Congo DR Zaire 982-5 $16 1980 Phibelza, strips/4, folded Congo DR between 2nd and 3rd stamps Zaire 974-81 Ovpt $25 1993 Fish, overprinted and revalued Congo DR Zaire 974-81 Ovpt B/4 $100 1993 Fish, overprinted and revalued, corner margin block/4 Congo DR Zaire 981A Ovpt $15 1993 Fish, S/S, overprinted and revalued Congo DR Zaire 974-81i Ovpt $45 1993 Fish, imperforate, overprinted and revalued Congo DR Zaire 1013-8 B/4 $20 1981 Pope John Paul II, blocks/4 Congo DR Zaire 1036 DP $25 1981 Henrich von Stephen, sunkend die Congo DR proof on card Zaire 1110 $7 1983 Minerals, S/S Congo DR Zaire 1154-8 B/4 $10 1983 Summer Olympics, blocks/4 Congo DR Zaire 1160-71i $18 1984 Hot air baloons, impefrorate Congo DR Zaire 1172i $25 1985 Okapi, imperf S/S Congo DR Zaire 1173-80 $10 1985 Planes, revalued Congo DR Zaire 1195-8i $15 1985 Birds, imperforate Congo DR Zaire 1231-6 $8 1987 Reptiles Congo DR Zaire Ovpts $20 1990-4 Revalued/overprinted stamps x7 Congo DR Zaire 1354-65 $10 1992 TB and other sets, revalued Congo DR Zaire 1361-71 $16 1993 Mushrooms, revalued, complete set of 8 Congo DR Zaire 1403-7 B/4 $15 1994 Natl Parks, fauna, flora Congo DR Zaire 1408-12 $15 1994 Famous people, revalued Congo DR Zaire 1413-20 $22 1994 Balloons, revalued Congo DR Zaire 1413-20 B/4 $70 1994 Balloons, revalued, Congo DR, blocks/4 Zaire 1421-4 $20 1994 Birds, revalued Congo DR Zaire 1423 B/4 Error $35 1994 Birds, 3.50nz on 25, block/4, second overprint inverted, heavy ink offset on gum side Zaire 1424 Error $20 1994 Birds, 5.00nz on 25, second overprint Congo DR inverted Zaire 1424 B/4 Error $50 1994 Birds, 5.00nz on 25, block/4 Congo DR second overprint inverted Zaire 1444-8 $6 1996 Olympics Congo DR Zaire 1444-8 B/4 $22 1996 Olympics, blocks/4 Congo DR Zaire 1518a $20 1999 Wildcats #1, pane of 12 (3x4) Congo DR Zaire 1518b $20 1999 Wildcats #2, pane of 12 (3x4) Congo DR Zaire 1545-53 $65 2000 Currency overprints, from z to fc, 9 stamps Congo DR not priced in Scott, 2 with ovpt smudges, 150fr with uncolored/albino strike of "150fr" in the center of the stamp Zaire 1545-53 $95 2000 Currency overprints, from z to fc, 9 stamps Congo DR not priced in Scott, all stamps with uncolored/albino strike of denomination overprint, corner margin copies Zaire 1545-53 $75 2000 Currency overprints, from z to fc, 9 stamps Congo DR corner margin stamps, not priced in Scott, 25,35 &150 with uncolored/albino strikes of of denomination Zaire 1545-53 $55 2000 Currency overprints, from z to fc, 9 stamps Congo DR not priced in Scott Zaire $15 2001 Flowers, set of 4, blocks/4 Congo DR Zaire $15 2001 Flowers, set of 4, blocks/4 Congo DR Zaire imperf $20 2001 Masks, set of 4, imperforate margin copies Congo DR Zaire 1615-20i $25 2002 Masks, imperforate Congo DR Zaire 1621-5 $40 2002 Lions, blocks/4 Congo DR Zaire 1621-5i $20 2002 Lions, imperforate Congo DR Zaire 1621-5i $25 2002 Lions, imperforate, full left margin Congo DR Zaire 1621-5i $25 2002 Lions, imperforate, full right margin Congo DR Zaire 1621-5i B/4 $50 2002 Lions, imperforate blocks/4 Congo DR Zaire 1621-5i B/4 $60 2002 Lions, imperforate blocks/4 with at least one margin Congo DR Zaire 1621-5 DS $85 2002 Lions, deluxe sheets Congo DR Zaire 1631-6 $10 2002 Minerals Zaire 1631-6i $25 2002 Minerals, imperforate Zaire 1636a $10 2002 Minerals, 800fc, perforate, S/S (see Zaire 1631-6) Congo DR Zaire 1636ai $25 2002 Minerals, 800fc, imperforate, S/S (see Zaire 1631-6) Congo DR Zaire $15 2002 Gorillas, WWF Congo DR Zaire $10 2002 Gorilla, 1000FC, souvenir sheet Congo DR Zaire $35 2002 Gorilla, 1000FC, imperforate souvenir sheet Congo DR Zaire $10 2002 Flowers, perforate S/S Congo DR Zaire $25 2002 Flowers, imperforate S/S Congo DR

Congo, Peoples Republic (PR) Scott Price Year Comments Congo, RP 108-9 D/S $15 1963 Kings collar, deluxe sheets Congo, PR 110 D/S $10 1963 UNESCO, deluxe sheet Congo, PR 112 D/S $10 1964 Machines, deluxe sheet Congo, PR 113 D/S $10 1964 Corn, deluxe sheet Congo, PR 114-5 D/S $15 1964 Dancers, deluxe sheets Congo, PR 116 D/S $10 1964 Carving, deluxe sheet Congo, PR 117 D/S $10 1964 Classroom, deluxe sheet Congo, PR 121 D/S $10 1964 Cooperation, deluxe sheet Congo, PR 1233+ (6) 2001 Birds, not priced in Scott Congo, PR B4 D/S $15 1963 Freedom from Hungar, deluxe sheets Congo, PR C96-7 $15 1970 Lenin, deluxe sheets Dahomey 277-82 D/S $20 1970 Horsemen, deluxe sheets Scott Price Year Comments Djibouti 749 $38 1995 African Development Bank, Scott value italics Djibouti 749 $38 1996 Children's day Gabon 272-5 D/S $35 1971 Butterflies, deluxe sheets Gabon 534a $12 1983 Animals, birds, S/S Ivory Coast 171-9 $8 1960 Masks Ivory Coast 447B o $25 1977 Flower, 20f, used #1 Ivory Coast 447B o $25 1977 Flower, 20f, used #2 Ivory Coast 580D o $75 1980 Bird, 100f, used Ivory Coast 737B o $25 1985 Bird, 100f, used Ivory Coast 764-7 $50 1985 Animals Ivory Coast 769C o $10 1985 Flower, 200f, used Ivory Coast 929G o $20 1992 Tourism, 25f, used Ivory Coast 929J o $35 1992 Tourism, 150f, used Ivory Coast Covers Ivory Coast 447A-580A Cvr $80 1981 447A (5f flower) & 580A (60f bird 1981.3.3 to Finland Ivory Coast 519D Cvr $30 1980 519D (100f fish), 1980.2.22 to Finland Ivory Coast 519D Cvr $30 1980 519D (100f fish) & 509x4, 1980.4.18 to Finland Ivory Coast 519E Cvr $30 1980 519E (150f musical instruments), 1980.7.8 to Finland Ivory Coast 519E Cvr $35 1980 519E (150f musical instruments), 1981.2.19 to Finland Ivory Coast 519E-580A Cvr $85 1980 519E (150f musical instruments), 580A (60f bird), 1981.3.4, registered cover to Finland Ivory Coast 521A Cvr $45 1980 521A (60f fish) & 538, 1980.4.28 to Finland Ivory Coast 521B Cvr $45 1980 521B (65f fish) & 538, 1980.4.17 to Finland Ivory Coast 580Bx2 Cvr $45 1983 580Bx2 (65f bird) & 536, 1983.8.5 to Finland Ivory Coast 580C Cvr $40 1981 580C (65f bird), 1981.3.20 to Finland Ivory Coast 682A Cvr $45 1983 682A (100f World Commo Yr) & 664,666, 1983.10.19 to Finland Ivory Coast 682A Cvr $45 1983 682A (100f World Commo Yr) & 672, 1983.10.21 to Finland Ivory Coast 704 Cvr $20 1986 704 (125f flower) & 536,663, 1986.1.20 to Finland Ivory Coast 731B Cvr $25 1986 731B (150f animal) & 666,787, 1986.8.26 to Finland Ivory Coast 737A Cvr $35 1986 737A (100f bird) & 662A,709, 1986.3.7 to Finland Ivory Coast 737A-739C Cvr $45 1986 737A (100f bird) & 662A,709, 1986.3.21 to Finland Ivory Coast 737B Cvr $25 1986 737B (100f bird) & 662A,709, 1991.2.5 to Finland Ivory Coast 737B Cvr $25 1991 737B (25f bird) & 886, 1991.3.4 to Finland Ivory Coast 737Bx3 Cvr $50 ??? 737Bx3 (100f bird), uncancelled to Finland Ivory Coast 737C FD Cvr $35 1985 737C (350f bird), first day cover, 1986.8.17 Ivory Coast 739C Cvr $30 1986 739C (200f building), 662B, 1986.1.10 to Finland Ivory Coast 739C Cvr $30 1986 739C (200f building), 664, 1986.2.5 to Finland Ivory Coast 769Ax2 Cvr $30 1986 769Ax2 (100f flower), 777, 1986.2.27 to Finland Ivory Coast 929I Cvr $30 1986 929I (200f map), 920, 921x4, 1993.4.10 to Finland

Katanga Scott Price Year Comments Katanga 52-65 $3 1961 Wood carvings Katanga 1962 Cover $60 1962 Registered cover to US Malagasy 501-2,C117-8 DS $35 1973 Lemurs, deluxe sheets Malagasy C67-9 $15 1961 Lemurs Mali 1997 S/Si $20 1997 Animals, rotary, imperf S/S Mali C5-8 $25 1960 Birds, "Republic du Mali" overprint Mali C25-6,28 $20 1960 Birds, no C27-200f Mali J8a-J20ai $35 1964 Butterflies, imperforate corner pairs Mauritania 225-9 D/S $20 1967 Trees, deluxe sheets Mauritania 239-43 D/S $20 1967 Fruit, deluxe sheets Mauritania 288A&B D/S $10 1971 Outreached hands, deluxe sheets Mauritania C14-5 ovpt $25 1962 Birds, 100f, 200f overprinted w/ anti-malaria overprint,Scott note, C14: 2nd printing, C15: 1st printing Mauritania C14-5 ovpt $20 1962 Birds, 100f, 200f overprinted w/ anti-malaria overprint, Scott note, both 2nd printing Nyassa 106-25 $30 1921-3 Animals, da Gama

Ruanda-Urundi Scott Price Year Comments Ruanda-Urundi 56-9 $28 1941 Surcharges Ruanda-Urundi 100-9 $30 1948-50 Masks, short set - hi values Ruanda-Urundi 114-32 $30 1953 Flowers Ruanda-Urundi 137-50 $8 1959-61 Animals Ruanda-Urundi B3//11 (no B6) $28 1930 Medicine,short B6 (6c+30c) Ruanda-Urundi B21-2 $8 1956 Music, Mozart

Rwanda Scott Price Year Comments Rwanda 55-69 $20 1964 Animals Rwanda 208-9 $4 1967 Europa, S/S (2) Rwanda 210 P/I $6 1967 67 Expo, perf & imperf S/S Rwanda 359-66 $10 1970 Gorilla Rwanda 359-66i $20 1970 Gorilla, imperf Rwanda 254i $20 1967 Olymics, block/6 from S/S, imperf Rwanda 622-3i $20 1975 Animals, 2 imperf S/S Rwanda 1212 $15 1985 200f, gorilla, S/S Rwanda 1212i $25 1985 200f, gorilla, imperf S/S Rwanda Unissued $35 1987 5f, unissuedstamp from 1283-6, 25th Anniv of National Independence

Togo Scott Price Year Comments Togo 583-7 $5 1967 Fish Togo 646-9,C93-4 $4 1968 Paintings Togo 782-4,C156-8 $3 1971 Tourism Togo 794-7,C167-8 $3 1971 Toy animals Togo 805-7,C173-4 $5 1972 Paintings, Easter Togo 814-6,C180-1 $4 1972 Olympics Togo 817-20,C182 $5 1972 Birds Togo 823-4,C186-8 $8 1972 Paintings, Mona Lisa Togo 827-9,C191-3 $4 1972 Paintings Togo 838-41,C198-9 $5 1973 Boy Scouts Togo 842-5,C200-1 $5 1973 Space, Copernicus Togo 868-70,C217-9 $5 1974 Paintings Togo 924-5,C270-3 $4 1976 US Bicentennial Togo 1107-10,C446-7 $5 1981 Birds Togo C39 $10 1965 250fr, African gray parrott

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George C. Baxley, PO Box 807, Alamogordo, NM 88311